
Being a Working Woman: Workplace Issues Faced by Women

With the changing time, the scenario for women has seen a change too when it comes to them going out and earning. With time, we have seen that more and more women are heading out of their home to work and earn in various fields and even serve as the bread earner for their family.

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Women! These 10 Tips will Ensure Successful Commencement of Your Second Innings

Beginning a second inning, i.e., getting back to work after a career break can be extremely difficult for women. There are a lot of personal and professional constraints that hinder their way of getting back into the industry. Even before applying, a dozen of questions hover the mind.

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These 10 Tips Will Help You in Getting the Salary Hike You Wish For

Every person in this world works for getting paid. There are a lot of pay/salary issues faced by various people worldwide. Many people are underpaid, and the gender pay gap is also one of the prominent issues. Amidst all this, pay raise is also one of the major issues faced by people, especially women.

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The Interminable Debate on Gender Pay Gap

A gender-equal society would be the one where the word ‘gender’ does not exist: where everyone can be themselves. Humans on this planet are divided based on various factors such as caste, religion, ethnicity, color, geographic boundaries and gender. The differentiation created based on gender has been one of the dominating reasons for the prevailing discrimination in our society in various fields.

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Supporting the Women Returnees to Bridge Skill Gap: What Organizations Can Do?

In this competent world where everyone is thriving hard to maintain their jobs and grow at the workplace, women planning to head back to work post a career break, face a lot of challenges. Organizations too, have certain hesitations to hire women making a comeback and one of the reasons for this is the gap in the skill-set that has come into the picture due to the tenure of inactivity of the female candidate.

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