Every person in this world works for getting paid. There are a lot of pay/salary issues faced by various people worldwide. Many people are underpaid, and the gender pay gap is also one of the prominent issues. Amidst all this, pay raise is also one of the major issues faced by people, especially women.
Women often fail to ask for a raise in their salary. This is apparently because women think that they either don’t deserve it or would not succeed even after mentioning it.
As per a survey conducted in the year 2015, 57% of Indian women never even mentioned or asked for a pay raise. This figure states that more than half of the women in India hesitate in asking for a salary hike, which ideally should not be the case.
Though there are women who think that they deserve a hike in the pay as they put in a lot of efforts and hard work and totally deserve to be paid well. It is time for the remaining women force to join this league and get what they are entitled to.
The following are some of the tips which would help you develop negotiation skills and march away with a deserving pay raise:
- Evaluate your benefaction: You should always be confident enough to justify your contribution both quality and quantity wise. You should be able to explain a few questions like were you serving at the current position of yours for a worthy duration? Were you prompt at meeting your deadlines? Were you a team player and worked successfully on an individual basis too? Did you ever step out of your comfort zone and accomplished a task? What is your specialized skill set which is significant for the job role? So, before you ask for a hike, you should be confident enough to explain all these points. For this, you need to know your contribution to the job and have enough self-confidence to showcase it to the concerned authorities.
- Know your worth: Remember, you are worthy enough to be treated and paid nicely. You should just know who you are and how important you are. You should have a certain figure fixed in your mind, which according to you is your worth in an organization. Without a clear figure in your mind, the whole conversation would be pointless. You should be aware of the market rates for your skill-set. Conduct proper research on this and come up with a figure. Once you have it decided, you are certain to walk out with a figure close to this.
- Don't bat around: Losing focus in the conversation is not going to take you anywhere. Organize your points and be firm with your approach, without sounding arrogant or over-demanding. Create a strategy related to how you can initiate and proceed with the conversation. Glance-off the misleading questions. Stay calm and this can only happen when you’re well prepared.
- Put a higher bet: No matter well-prepared you are and are moving forward with a fixed figure in your mind, the other party is going to bring the figure down as it is a negotiation. So, start off with a higher value so that in the end you can walk away with a value close to what you asked for. If you already put forth a lower value, the negotiating party will try to bring the value even more down and it would be a situation of loss for you. Don't settle for too low. Convince that you deserve a certain figure and reach a mid-point. Give the other party some room to put forth their deal as it will make them feel a part of the conversation. In the end, you will march away with the deal you wanted.
- Don't expect a win-win situation: Grabbing bread in both hands might not be possible here. There is a disposition when making negotiations so that both the parties are appeased. Looking for a win-win situation means throwing in the towel without essentially getting anything in reciprocation. Stay prepared for a win-lose situation perhaps and you might end up walking away with a higher salary.
- Stay put even when things don’t go your way: Sometimes you might feel in-between the conversation that the negotiation is not going in your favor. The other party might reach a point way below your expectation. If you don’t feel like settling for their figure, pull yourself out gracefully, without sounding rude or arrogant. Walking out of a negotiation can be hard but you need to learn that you have a certain worth and you should not compromise it every time. Don't settle for too less but even if you are displeased, don’t lose your cool and come back at the table with the same dynamism.
- Know the significance of timing: Timing is very crucial for any conversation. Any point made at the correct time has relevance and significance. So, if you want to ask for your salary hike, initiate the conversation timely. For instance, if you talk about your pay raise at the time of the performance appraisal review, you already have missed the train. The budget has already been set by then and the final figures have been decided. In such a case, your request would not be much entertained. So, proceed with the talks at least 3 months prior to performance appraisal reviews and finalization of the budget. This way your request has higher chances of getting considered.
- Be an adjudicator: Negotiating is an art and that comes with practice. But the foundation of your negotiation for pay raise is confidence. Don't be hesitant in putting up questions and doubts. Be understanding of the other person’s concerns as well. Don't be too dominating and stay positive and clear on your expectations and reasons. Hear out what the other party has to say. Mention your achievements till date and how can you contribute in the future for the growth of the organization. This gives a positive impression about you and justifies your demand for a salary hike. Avoid mentioning personal needs or issues. Don’t be anxious. A ‘no’ from the other party doesn’t mean that the conversation is over. Take a firm and calm stand on your request and keep negotiating.
- Don't be overconfident: Confidence is good but over-confidence is never. Stay firm and confident about yourself but don’t let it ooze out of you. Make sure that you are explaining everything well and are supporting your request with valid reasons. Don't talk hypothetically or make vague impressions. This might give a negative impression about you. There is a very thin line between being confident and over-confident. Make sure that you don’t cross that line.
- Have an optimistic vision: Staying positive can help you in various ways. Keep your hopes up and know that you deserve what you are asking for. Don't let anything bring you down. If you are up for a negotiation in a new job and things don’t go your way, know that something better is waiting for you. Don't settle for less than what you deserve. Talk sensibly and put forth your expectations.
Asking for a pay raise might seem like a difficult task but you cannot get it until you put in your efforts and show your worth. It can only come if you are confident about yourself and know your skills and abilities well. Stay prepared and positive. Initiate the conversation and get what you deserve.
Turacoz Foundation is an organization working towards women empowerment. We not only train women in medical writing but also provide them working opportunities. We believe that a woman is more than just a gender and she deserve every chance to grow and develop, professionally.
To know more about us and be a part of our woman army, write to us at hello@turacoz.in