
The Women OF War: The Women AT War?

Dr Parul Jain
The Women OF War: The Women AT War?

World War I and World War II are calamitous events in history, but these tragedies were also the innuendoes of the unheard stories. The identity of women other than of being homemakers surfaced during these wars. When men left their countries on the battlefield, women shouldered the responsibilities that were never taken before, from hospitality to manufacturing to healthcare. That, against all patriarchal conventions, women can indeed be part of multitude of activities to support the industry and security of their cities, emerged during these wars.

In 1914, women became a part of paid employment. With the increase in the demand and supply cycle, women started working in the manufacturing units of shells and bombs. From cooking meals to assembling shells, their nimble fingers didn’t fail and did it all with utmost dedication and dexterity. The first women police were appointed during wartime; jobs like those of ticket collectors and bus drivers which were dominated by men otherwise, welcomed women and changed the ethos. The Scottish doctor, Elsie Inglis set up a women’s hospital when her help was declined by the War officer. She treated sick, and even injured all by herself in Serbia. The Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) was founded in 1903 by Christabel Pankhurst and her mother; it opened the door for women to take part in politics and in December 1919, Lady Astor became the first woman to take a seat in Parliament. It was an era of evolving dictums. However, unfortunately, most of these jobs were closed for women once the men returned. Blood and stones never scared these women, what cringed them was disrespect and discrimination.

Be it the ones fought on fields or the ones at home, the battle of women to find their place in industry, hospitals, and corporate life is longer than any world war. That’s why a war created space for women that our liberal society couldn’t. The battle is still on, since although women are seen as equal to men, they are not still treated the same. Turacoz, an organization led by women is a place that recognizes the true power of “her”. Turacoz provides opportunities for women to step into the workspace and build the career of their dreams. In this battle of women finding their space, Turacoz is playing its role in empowering women to claim their space and pull their chair back at the table!