
The Empty Nest Syndrome - Refill. Refuel. Regrow.

One moment your life is revolving around your kids and the next you are facing an empty room and a fridge devoid of goodies! Home-works, tiffin, tuitions, extra-curricular classes: these super-familiar events for a mother suddenly become fond memories. From bedrooms to balconies, from cupboards to the refrigerator, which occupied your ever so busy mind, appear so empty and quiet, now that your chicks have left your nest and taken a flight on their own.

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Dear women, Save your Financial Independence!

Saving coins in piggy banks is a long-lost memory but a great lesson was taught in our childhood. Savings and investments are always a big part of our lifestyle. Women are robust at saving for their homes, bearing, and rearing a family, but forget to replenish that pocket for themselves. “You have enough finances to run a home, but do you have the financial independence?”

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Unlearning Gender Bias in Medical Research

The above statement touches the topic which stayed forbidden for ages: Gender Bias in Medical Research. It is speculative, yet a harsh reality. Females were described as the inverse of males by the philosopher Aristotle; the anatomy of men and women is drawn differently by nature and will show different reactions to any situation from psychological to physical.

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The Women OF War: The Women AT War?

World War I and World War II are calamitous events in history, but these tragedies were also the innuendoes of the unheard stories. The identity of women other than of being homemakers surfaced during these wars. When men left their countries on the battlefield, women shouldered the responsibilities that were never taken before, from hospitality to manufacturing to healthcare.

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Menstruation and Morality: Sanitising Minds and Demythologising Health

“I will never allow my daughter to use a pad. Using pad increases body heat; a cloth napkin is safer is what my mother taught me and that is what I will teach my daughters also”, a mother of two girls stated proudly as the social worker shifted uncomfortably in her seat contemplating over the morbid state of ethos that has stayed lodged into the society as deeply as the fibular nerve.

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How to have a successful first day at work

First days at new jobs are always the longest and hardest. Getting past that first phase of awkwardness can be a bit tedious. Getting to know your colleagues and your boss will take some time. The saying, “First impressions are last impressions” is not always correct. Perspectives changes and so do people’s way of thinking about you.

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Tips on how to balance personal and professional life

In this fast-moving world where time stops for nobody, it’s hard to balance both personal and work life. With a schedule full of deadlines and projects, one doesn’t get time to give a 100% to their social and private life. According to a survey conducted at the Harvard Business School, “94% of 1,000 working professionals said they put in 50 or more hours a week, with nearly half that group turning in more than 65 hours a week.”

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Importance of financial independence for women

Women have been immensely subjected to a vast amount of injustice and inequality over the centuries. Self-dependency is one thing that only modern women can achieve. The feeling of not been dependent on others is very satisfactory and fulfilling. Financial independence is the ability of an individual to pay for their own expenses. Man being the “superior being” has always been the provider and, independent. He answers to no one and is the bread earner of the house.

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