
5 Advantages Women bring to the Workplace

The feminine touch and inherit skills such as empathy and optimism, are cherished by companies, as they are considered to uplift and benefit the company. Women, in comparison to men, possess higher levels of emotional intelligence and passion towards their work. This helps create stronger and healthier workplace environments and relationships. They are considered to be better motivational leaders and are capable of creating a well-rounded workforce.

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Feminism in 2019: Reasons why you still need it

Do you consider yourself to be a feminist? If the answer is “Yes”, then you’re probably aware of the reasons as to why you need it, even in the 21st Century. Most people will try to shun the question by saying that they no longer require feminism and feminist in their so-called “gender equal world”.

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10 Hacks to Be the Woman of Power and Have A Say at Your Workplace

It is not easy to be heard in this male-dominated society. The workplaces too, are often gender-biased and sexist. It makes it even more challenging for women to work there, survive the whole ordeal and emerge successful. But giving up is not the option, right? Women need to fight back against all the odds and emerge victorious.

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Returning to Work Made Easy: 8 Tips to Have Successful Comeback

Re-starting your career is even difficult than starting it. You have lost touch with professional skills and workplace nitty-gritties. You find it hard to communicate your issues and often hesitate to even ask for help. You might feel low on confidence and feel outdated as you might be unaware of the new technologies and practices at work that have surfaced, while you were away.

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Being the Women of Wings: What Are the Challenges Women Entrepreneurs in India Face?

We have seen a significant rise in the number of women leaders and entrepreneurs at a global scale. More and more women are now venturing into business with a zeal to prove themselves and become free from the shackles of stereotype image of a woman.

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Failure is The New Beginning: How to Cope Up with Rejections and Failures?

The only thing that hurts more than the little finger of the feet accidentally hitting the cupboard is: facing rejection by the client!

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Gender Leadership Gap: Why Are There Fewer Women for Leadership Roles?

Women empowerment lately has been the hottest topic for discussions and debates. Everybody is talking how women can be established as equal to men, given equal rights and treated with dignity. But are we really there? Well, not yet.

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These 5 Tactics Will Help You Adhere to A Routine and Enhance Productivity

Making a schedule and adhering to the routine is easier said than done. Most of us face this issue of mismanagement. The work is often so cluttered that it becomes difficult to get a hold of things. Women working from home/remotely face this issue a lot. As it is being a woman is not easy; when you have pile of work to be finished just by you, you find it hard to make a balance between your personal and professional life.

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