Making a schedule and adhering to the routine is easier said than done. Most of us face this issue of mismanagement. The work is often so cluttered that it becomes difficult to get a hold of things. Women working from home/remotely face this issue a lot. As it is being a woman is not easy; when you have pile of work to be finished just by you, you find it hard to make a balance between your personal and professional life.
Making a routine is easy as compared to following it. Mostly any schedule is made and goes in vain as we are not able to follow it for long. This is a common problem, but it affects the work-life a lot. It is a persistent problem for those who go through this phase of qualm or demurral. Despite of this being a common problem, its affects are greatly adverse on work.
In this post, we will reveal 5 tactics that can help you adhere to a routine and work seamlessly and enhance your productivity while balancing your personal and professional life.
#1 Get answers for your ‘WHY’
If you know answers to your Whys, then you are already halfway through. If you know why you are working, it will help you in reducing your workload mentally. If you have a strong and clear reason to work, then you will be able to focus better. Things should add meaning to your life. Whatever may be the reason for you working, acknowledge it. This will help you to get your head straight and work in a better way. Goals are what drive you through your journey.
#2 Make a blueprint that suits you
This is extremely important yet the most overlooked factor. Don't copy what others do. While some plan can work for others, it might not necessarily work for you too. Do what suits you and you’re comfortable with. Substantiate your routine and tasks as per you. Add something that will work as a motivation for you to work each day with enthusiasm.
#3 Move step-by-step
Success is always achieved with hard work, determination and patience. The problem with most people is that they want to achieve everything at once. This leads to failure in achieving the hyped target and ultimately frustration and disappointment. The best way is to move forward with small steps. Make a slow and gradual start and accomplish your tasks one-by-one. It might seem slow, but it will save your time and energy later. Going slowly gives you time to try things and decide what is best. If the current plan/ schedule works for you, then you can proceed with the same or else can make required changes.
#4 Keep your personal and professional life apart but in sync
While this might seem like an impossible task, but it is not. With little bit of management, you can achieve this, and it will work wonders for you. Set your priorities right and fix a schedule for your personal work and client work. Make sure that these two don’t collide with each other. While you may want to keep these two at different ends, make sure that they are synced with each other so that you can achieve an ideal balance between your personal and professional life. Don't let either side of the work disturb your work-flow. For e.g., you need to cook and need to work on an urgent client deliverable too. Either cook first and then work on client document without any interruption or vice versa. Decide your priority and requirement of the situation. But don’t mix the two tasks. This will affect your performance adversely at both ends.
#5 Get that straight: There is no such word as ‘Perfect’
Nobody is perfect in this world and there is no benchmark level of perfection. Going after perfection will only make your performance worse and you won’t be able to give your best. It is always good to try to your level best, but the limit of that best needs to be revised. Futile comparisons and over-the-top expectations from self can hamper you work. While you are constantly pressuring yourself to be perfect, you are building a fear in your mind and this might result in you giving up early. You should always aim at progress and development rather than perfection.
These 5 techniques will help you not only maintaining an ideal work-life balance but will also help in improving your performance and decrease stress levels. This helpful especially if you are working from home and finding yourself juggling between professional and personal life. Prioritizing your tasks and developing a plan according to your comfort and interest will help you work in a better way and stick to your routine and create an ideal WorkLife balance.
Turacoz Foundation understands the struggle of women and know that they are fighting on many fronts. For them to work and take care of family is really a task. We are keen on making women independent financially, mentally and emotionally and are constantly working towards women empowerment. We train women in medical writing and give them opportunities to work from home.
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