
Failure is The New Beginning: How to Cope Up with Rejections and Failures?

Aakanksha Pareek
Failure is The New Beginning: How to Cope Up with Rejections and Failures?

The only thing that hurts more than the little finger of the feet accidentally hitting the cupboard is: facing rejection by the client!

When someone disses your work, Ouch! That hurts. It is frustrating for many reasons and one of the main reasons is the hard work and efforts that you put into your work. Everyone has faced such rejections in their career. What matters is not how many times you fail but how you take those rejections.

We keep learning throughout our lives and are bound to make mistakes. No two individuals are same and differences in opinions can exist. You might not be able to convince the other party of your approach and conclusions as they might have a different opinion and may see things in a different light.

Failures and rejections are part of life and you need to understand the reasons behind them and work on succeeding rather than giving up and feeling depressed. It is obvious to feel bad at that moment but don’t let the hangover of such experiences ruin your performance and upcoming projects. Rejections and failures can badly affect your self-confidence and self-esteem. You may be in doubt regarding your self-worth too. Handling rejections is not easy, and it takes time to learn the art of dealing with them.

Coping with rejections and failures in not easy but not impossible too. Life doesn’t deliver everything at your convenience but neither does it deliver anything that is totally out of your control and has no solution. If life goes as you expect then there will be nothing to learn. Bad experiences are the best teacher.

Here is how you can get out of the trauma of rejections and failures:

  • Your prompt reaction makes a difference: Mostly rejections happen when you are not expecting them. These rejections can disturb your routine and your upcoming tasks. You need to stay calm and get a hold of your emotions you might be feeling sad wanting to cry your eyes out or you might be angry at the other person, what you need to do is stay put and maintain your dignity and patience. Before reacting think of all the possible outcomes of your reaction. This is going to make a lot of difference and surely a positive one.
  • Don't try to run away from your emotions: We are humans and emotions are in-built in our system. It is very normal to feel bad after facing rejections, criticism and failures. Rather than refusing to accept the pain or sadness that you feel, admit it. Let out your emotions in solace or with your close ones. Go on a break or chat with your loved ones to feel better. Running away from your emotions or suppressing them won’t do any good to you. Rather you will end up curbing your feelings and feel depressed for a longer time. Experiencing and accepting is the key to move on, not ignoring.
  • Divert your attention: The more you think about the negativities and failures, the more you are bound to feel sad and depressed. It will be difficult for you to move on and do another thing. Try to keep yourself calm. Do something that excites you or interests you. Spend some time on your hobbies. Get involved in activities that give you pleasure, so that you can relax. This will help you get out of all the negative feelings and emotions and focus better on your work. You will feel re-vitalized.
  • Follow a step-by-step approach: The biggest mistake we make is to try to fix things all in one go. This is where we end up with even greater disappointment. Things take time to get back to their place and not everything can be restored to its original shape, this is what you need to keep in mind. It will not go back to how it was, but it can turn to better and can be different from what and how it was. You need to admit this fact and move one step at a time. Think over the whole situation and analyze where things went off. Try to think through. There might be something that would have been wrong at your part, fix it and improve. Plan how will you approach from here on. Go slow but with extra caution and more rationality.
  • Be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed: Staying enthusiastic and motivated will help you neglect the bad experience you had. At times the incident would keep popping in your head, shrug it off with the positivity and enthusiasm. Don't respond to any negative thoughts that come to your mind or the flashes of failure you faced. Keep yourself motivated and focus on your tasks. Indulge yourself into some good motivational reads so that you have positive thoughts and feel confident about yourself.
  • Be ready to face failures: Now this is an obvious one, right? But it is still the most ignored concept. No matter how high you climb on the ladder of success, you should be ready to experience failure. Don't expect that you will always succeed. Think of your past bitter experiences as useful learnings and focus on the present. The graph of success should be fluctuating, if it doesn’t, that means you are not learning anything new and are stagnant. Learn from rejections and failures and focus on becoming better with each passing day.

Life is full of experiences; some are good, and some are bad, but both having something in store for you. Don't let the negative experiences bring you down. You are the woman of power. Every day is a new challenge and each failure is a chance of revival, growth and learnings. Positivity in life can make things easy for you.

Turacoz Foundation hopes that this post would help you feel better and next time when you experience any setback, you will know how to play your cards right.

This applies to everyone and not just women. What we keep healing and repairing is most of the time the consequences of our reaction to different situations. Failure is a good teacher. So, if you have faced failure recently, perk up, you have an amazing opportunity in front of you to learn and grow.