
Importance of financial independence for women

Duaranne Everett
Importance of financial independence for women

Women have been immensely subjected to a vast amount of injustice and inequality over the centuries. Self-dependency is one thing that only modern women can achieve. The feeling of not been dependent on others is very satisfactory and fulfilling. Financial independence is the ability of an individual to pay for their own expenses. Man being the “superior being” has always been the provider and, independent. He answers to no one and is the bread earner of the house.

These ideologies are outdated and completely false in today’s modern world. Women and men are at the same level, politically and socially. Actions of injustice, inequality and discrimination, based on the gender of an individual is intolerable and an offense.

Modern women are independent and have every right to work for their personal-financial security. Women in India are not permitted to work after marriage, and in some regions, they aren’t even allowed to receive a proper education. The reason being that their education is perceived to be a waste of time and money.

Active feminism and a shift of ideologies has caused the general population to realize the importance of women’s financial independence. The government is taking active steps to promote girl child education and women’s participation in both the private and public sector development.

Here are four reason why financial independence is important for women:

To survive the inflation rate:

The rate of inflation is not lenient towards the middle and lower classes of the society. The worst to suffer from these tough circumstances is the woman of the house. Responsible for catering to the house, it becomes difficult when there is only one fixed income and the prices of daily rations increases. In times like this, an extra pair of hands working and earning, makes things easier for the family.

In this inflated economy, having two or more individuals earning is considered a boon for the family. Owning a decent house, sending your kids to a reputed school and meeting other luxuries and necessities of life is tough with only one family member working. This is one personal reason why women (should and do) consider working.

In times of need and emergency:

Life is uncertain and unpredictable! Harsh circumstances can arise out of the blue without any warning. In times like this, maintaining financial strength and security is tedious. You need to understand one thing clear, if you and your children are financially dependent on your husband and for some uncalled reason, he loses his job, the family is forced to extinguish all of their contingency reserves. This is until he gets a new job. Similarly, in cases where the bread earner meets his demise due to some unfortunate situation, the family is the one to suffer the most, both financially and emotionally.

Thus, to make life easier and less tensed in such situations, the woman of the house should work towards becoming financially independent.

To overcome dependency:

A sad fact of the society we live in is that women are still under constant domestic violence and abuse by their own families (mainly their husbands). Women should not tolerate and frankly don’t deserve such treatment. But only due to the fact that they are financially dependent on their partners, is what makes them stay. Women are selfless and caring and they tend to live with such torture only due to the fact that they care for their family and don’t wish to see it fall apart.

But they don’t have any obligation to live such a life. There is a pattern in place, if you go to see women who have divorced their “better-half”, most of those women were and still are financially independent.

Women need to learn the importance of financial independence. Once they do, they will never have to feel dependant and helpless in life, and they become more capable of making better life decisions, understanding what is most beneficial for them.

To benefit the country:

Women constitute approximately half of the world’s population. Their contributions cannot be disregarded. Their capabilities and skills in many areas of life exceed that of men. If these vast masses of unemployed individuals were to get educated and take up professional careers, their contributions would do wonders for the society.

These working women then give back to the society and in turn become independent and self-sufficient. Their services are what help to boost a countries development. Women’s active participation in the affairs of the government help both the people as well as the nation.

Turacoz Foundation is actively spreading awareness regarding such women’s issues. We urge not only the women of this great nation but also others to actively participate in either the public or private sector. Financial independence is not only a boon to a particular individual, but to his/her family as well. And we believe that women should fight for this right.

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